Palestinian Media Watch recently uncovered an ad that ran on official Palestinian Authority television by a Palestinian youth organization, PYALARA (Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation), funded by UNICEF, showing an axe destroying a Star of David. The UNICEF logo was displayed on the ad.

The large Star of David that has been destroyed has on it pictures of stars and stripes, presumably representing the U.S.A., and an additional smaller Star of David, presumably representing Israel.
PYALARA has been funded by UNICEF since the year 2000: “PYALARA has been chosen by UNICEF as a major strategic partner in Palestine.”
On the axe that destroys the Star of David is the word: “Boycott!” in the imperative tense. Youth are invited to watch the Palastinian Authority (P.A.) TV program calling for a boycott of Israel.
The program started as follows: “The program Speak Up has decided to dedicate this program to a theme which is a national obligation upon each of us - the topic of boycotting Israel in all ways.” (PA TV March 21, 2010.)
The ad read that the weekly youth program Speak Up is “produced in cooperation with PBC (PA TV) with the support of UNICEF.”
The Bulletin brought this to the immediate attention of UNICEF, which immediately issued a condemnation of PYALARA.
In a statement dated March 23, UNICEF president, Caryl M. Stern, denounced the “incorrect use of the UNICEF logo” and stated that “UNICEF was not consulted by PYALARA about the use of its logo in a poster announcing a youth broadcast and it condemns the use of its logo to imply endorsement of political opinions. Neither the poster nor the television program it advertises reflect UNICEF’s policies or its views.” Ms. Stern added that “UNICEF’s partnership agreement with PYALARA ended in January 2010” and that “UNICEF will be carefully reviewing any proposed future partnerships with PYALARA.”
There are times when a U.N. agency shows accountability.
See this report in the Philadelphia Bulletin
See this report at Israel Behind the News
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