Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Philadelphia Bulletin: PLO Leaders Continue Threat of Armed Rebellion against Israel

by David Bedein

Jerusalem - Senior leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) are threatening that they are preparing to turn their weapons against Israel, at a time when the American program to arm and train the Palestinians continues full speed.

Bassam Abu Sharif, a former senior advisor to late President Yasser Arafat, added his voice to a chorus of those raising the possibility of a third Intifada, or uprising against Israel. "The Palestinians are preparing themselves to carry out another Intifada of 
independence and freedom in response to Israeli violations, massacres and 
policies against the Palestinians and their land, against Jerusalem, the confiscation of land and the geographic separation of the Palestinian 
territories," said the former Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 
spokesperson in a press conference in Ramallah, Israel as reported by Maan, the Palestinian news agency.

Mr. Abu Sharif said Palestinians will not remain silent in the face of "Israeli 
violations" and the "failure" of peace talks.

"The Palestinians are working to establish a fully sovereign state on the 
land, sea and airspace in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 242, which has not been implemented since it was issued 42 years ago," he 
said, even though the UN security council resolution 242 says nothing about land, sea and air space.

Mr. Abu Sharif urged Hamas and Fatah movements to sideline their partisan 
interests for the sake of the Palestinian cause. In that spirit, PLO head Machmud Abbas reiterated his call to the Hamas terrorist organization to join the Palestinian Authority governing body.

The Bulletin asked the US consulate in Jerusalem for comment on the fact that Mr. Abbas was courting Hamas at a time when the United States has been training the Palestinian Authority to fight the Hamas. No comment from the United States consulate was forthcoming.

View the original article in the Philadelphia Bulletin

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